Meeting Housing Needs of Women and Lower-Income Families

Meeting Housing Needs of Women and Lower-Income Families

We empowered this housing agency with a strategy and institutional development plan to meet the housing needs of women and lower-income families.

The world’s development goals are interrelated, and so are many of the pathways to achieve them. Affordable housing is an excellent example, as it can impact gender equality, health and wellbeing, economic development, and more.

That’s why this country’s government engaged Momentus (formerly IFCL) to help improve the strategic and operational effectiveness of its housing corporation. The goal was to meet the housing needs of lower-income households—especially housing for women—while collecting adequate revenues to meet operations and maintenance costs.

Momentus aimed to help improve the corporation’s strategic and operational efficiency and effectiveness, strengthening it to meet the housing needs of lower-income families and to collect adequate revenue to cover its operational costs.

We presented 22 recommendations to address the institutional challenges we had identified. These recommendations covered the corporation’s mandate, functions, policies and strategies, human resource management system, and financial and operational performance.

One of the important components of this project was a policy thrust that would allow women better access to low-income housing. Implementing these recommendations will strengthen the housing corporation in fulfilling its policy mandate of providing access to affordable housing to those who need it most.

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